The coated twisty blade patterns possesses higher bending strength and hardness than the uncoated ones.
——期刊摘选Nano - scale ceramic composites may have high bending strength and fracture toughness.
纳米复合 陶瓷材料可以极大地提高抗弯强度和断裂韧性.
互联网The Izod impact strength, the bending strength and tensile strength were tested.
同时,测试了该材料的冲击强度 、 弯曲强度和拉伸强度.
互联网At transition region, the sea ice bending strength reached the maximum value.
海冰的弯曲强度随着应力速率的增加,经过延性、过渡和脆性三个阶段,在过渡区, 海冰的弯曲强度达到最大值.
互联网The relationship between bending modulus of elasticity and bending strength was also linear.
互联网The Bending strength for concrete bonding was over 7 MPa with ester crete - p and 8 Mpa with Epcrete - p .
用epcretep粘合 的混凝土试件的抗折强度可达到 8MPa 以上.
互联网SEM analysis indicated that evenly distributed fine crystal grain was the reason of good bending strength.
互联网The cement strength of grade ~ # 325 ~~ # 425 , and has high - early strength and high bending strength.
水泥标号可达325~ 425, 且具有早期强度及抗折强度高等优点.
互联网In addition, there is positive correlation between fractal dimension and bending strength , bending elastic modulus.
另外, 发现分形维数与抗弯弹性模量 、 抗弯强度之间存在正相关趋势.
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